User acquisition for communication dApp

With the challenges of social media today and concerns over who has access to your personal information, Sylo’s goal to put the user in the driver’s seat and let the user control how much they want to share and with whom is a concept we were passionate about helping them communicate clearly through language and graphics.





The tech that helps you stay you

With the challenges of social media today and concerns over who has access to your personal information, Sylo’s goal to put the user in the driver’s seat and let the user control how much they want to share and with whom is a concept we were passionate about helping them communicate clearly through language and graphics.




SYLO intro Mobile

Proof Systems drove over 15,000 monthly active users to our application in 2 weeks at a cost that was 80% lower, per user, than our average cost per monthly active user. Tyler’s team has been amazing to work with.

Avatar Dorian Johannink

Dorian Johannink Sylo

Social Ads

We created fun, engaging social ads that met Sylo’s users on the social media platforms they’re already using. The eye-catching graphics and strong language we chose conveyed Sylo’s personality so users could get an early sense of whether that’s where they would want to spend their time and if they’d feel at home there.

SYLO Social Ads 1
SYLO Social Ads 2
SYLO Social Ads 1
SYLO Social Ads 3
SYLO Social Ads 4
SYLO Social Ads 5
SYLO Social Ads 6


When designing Sylo’s website, we chose to stick with Sylo’s original colors: a vibrant blue and orange theme. This allowed us to highlight keywords with these colors to catch the reader’s attention and clue them in on what they should retain. The comic-like graphics show Sylo is serious, but not too serious—after all, it is a social messaging platform where people are supposed to have fun! No doubt, we included key visuals of the dApp, as well.

SYLO Website
SYLO Communication
SYLO Communication Choice
SYLO Communication Like

Responsive design

Without responsive design a site’s professionalism would be in serious question. Not to mention, its Google search rankings might be garbage. By detecting the screen size and orientation of the visitor, the layout for Sylo’s site changes accordingly. This makes the user experience pleasant and easy, minimizing the work to access content.

SYLO Responsive Desktop
SYLO Responsive Tablet
SYLO Responsive Mobile
SYLO Diference Desktop
SYLO Diference Tablet
SYLO Diference Mobile
SYLO Responsive Home Tablet Min
SYLO Responsive Home Mobile Min
SYLO Responsive Diference Tablet Min
SYLO Responsive Diference Mobile Min

Demo video

A demo video highlighting key features of an app gives potential users the confidence they need to go one step further and download it. We created an engaging demo video for Sylo showing the mouthwatering in-app screens.

Landing Page

To take Sylo’s marketing campaigns up a notch, we created unique landing pages for each campaign. As such, we could tailor their user experience and increase conversions, getting them to download the app more often.

SYLO Landing Preview
SYLO Landing Page

Next projects

Onix Capital

Branding, web-design


Branding, web design

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